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West Virginia, formerly a part of Virginia, was admitted into the Union June 20th, 1863 as the 35th state. It will be 147 years old in 2010.

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Q: How long has West Virginia been a state in years?
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Are there any former presidents from the West Virginia?

No- no US president has been from West Virginia. Further, none of Virginia presidents lived in that part of Virginia that became the state of West Virginia.

What is West Virginia state gem?

West Virginia's state gem is the silicified Mississippian fossil coral, also known as Lithostrotionella, which was designated as the state gem in 1990.

Is West Virginia a commonwealth state?

Yes, West Virginia is most definitely a state. It has been a state for 150 years. (It was formed on June 20, 1863.)

What president was born in West Virginia?

No U.S. President has ever been from West Virginia.

Who founded the colony of West Virginia?

There was never a colony of West Virginia. West Virginia was a part of Virginia from the time the colony of Virginia was founded at Jamestown in 1607 until 1863. In 1863 the Yankees offered the educational lesson that while it is most definitely NOT acceptable for states to secede from the US, it is perfectly acceptable for part of a state to secede after 256 years and set itself up as a new state, and West Virginia was born, without ever having been a colony or a territory.

What state was added during the civil war?

West Virginia. This established that it was just fine for part of a state to secede from its state, but it was NOT fine for states to secede from the US. West Virginia had been a part of Virginia since the colony was created in 1607.

Has the state constitution of West Virginia been amended to prohibit same-sex marriage in that state?

No. No such amendment has been made.

Why isn't there a East Virginia?

Virginia used to be what is now West Virginia AND Virginia. On June 20, 1863, West Virginia joined the Union, leaving Virginia as a confederate state. There is no East Virginia because it has always been called just "Virginia." It's likely that there will never be an East Virginia unless the Eastern portion of Virginia becomes its own state. Then there would be a West Virginia, Virginia, and East Virginia.

Has a marriage equality bill ever been introduced in either house of the state legislature in West Virginia?

No. A marriage equality bill has never been introduced in the West Virginia legislature.

What was the Confederate states of 1863?

The same as it had been in 1862, except that the Western counties of Virginia seceded from that state in 1863 to form their own state of West Virginia.

How many states stayed with the confederacy?

They all did. But the Western counties of Virginia formed a separate state and seceded from Virginia - a new Union state called West Virginia. So Virginia itself was a smaller version of what it had been.

Has a bill creating a statewide registry of domestic partnerships ever been introduced in either house of the state legislature in West Virginia?

No. A domestic partnership bill has never been introduced in the West Virginia legislature.