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Monaco has spoken French for over 700 years.

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Q: How long has Monaco spoken French?
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Is the language spoken in Monaco the same as the language spoken in England?

No. In Monaco they speak French, Italian or Monegasque. In England they speak English.

What three European countries where French is spoken?

In Europe, French is spoken in France, Monaco, Switzerland, Belgium.

What Four European countries where french and other languages are spoken?

Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Monaco are European countries where French and other languages are spoken. In Switzerland, German, Italian, and Romansh are also spoken; in Belgium, Dutch and German are spoken; in Luxembourg, Luxembourgish and German are spoken; in Monaco, English and Italian are also spoken.

In what European countries is French spoken?

French is spoken in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco, and parts of Canada.

They speak french in the european country?

French in Europe is primarily spoken in France, Monaco, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Belgium.

How many people speak French in Monaco?

Since French is the official language of Monaco, nearly all of them, though about half the population has a different first language (mostly Monagasque or Italian, with a significant English-speaking population as well).

Are there any countries in Europe that speak french?

yes ____ France notably, but French is also spoken in Andorra, Belgium, Luxembourg, Monaco and Switzerland.

2 countrys in Europe that speak french?

French is spoken as the sole national language in France and Monaco. French is also spoken in parts of Belgium and Switzerland. There is a small French speaking area in north-west Italy.

What is the tribes of Monaco?

The people are known as 'Monegasque'. - and have their own language, but the commonest languages spoken are French, Italian and English

What are the french speaking parts of Europe?

The French-speaking parts of Europe are primarily found in France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Luxembourg. Additionally, French is also spoken in parts of Monaco and some regions of Italy.

Why is French spoken in Monaco?

French is the official language. Monégasque, Italian and English are also widely spoken.French is the only official language although many of the population use and understand other languages including Italian and English . In addition many of the locals speak Monegasque, a Ligurian language of Northern Italian origin.Ligurian and Occitan

Why do people of Monaco speak French?

Monaco has a tiny territory and is completely surrounded by France. The border is only 4 km long and despite having its own government, it is very resembling to the neighboring French towns.