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Old Faithful Geyser erupts in between intervals. If its last eruption lasted 3-4 minutes long, you will have to wait 95 minutes for it to erupt again. If its last eruption only lasted 2 minutes, you will have to wait for 65 minutes.

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Q: How long does old faithful eruption last?
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How long do you have to wait for old faithful to erupt?

Old Faithful Geyser erupts in between intervals. If its last eruption lasted 3-4 minutes long, you will have to wait 95 minutes for it to erupt again. If its last eruption only lasted 2 minutes, you will have to wait for 65 minutes.

How many seconds does the Old Faithful erupt?

When Old Faithful erupts, the eruption can last anywhere from 1.5 to 5 minutes. This would be anywhere from 90 to 300 seconds long.

The upward pressure of an Old Faithful eruption?

This is a vector measurement.

How many minutes separate each eruption of old faithful?

every 63-70 minuets

How high does old faithful shoot water?

Old faithful shoots about 3,700 gallons of water for a short eruption and 8,400 for a longer one (4 and a half minutes)

How did Old Faithful get to Wyoming?

Old Faithful is located in northwestern Wyoming as part of a geothermal area, the Upper Geyser Basin, located in Yellowstone National Park. Old Faithful and the Upper Geyser Basin were formed as part of the Yellowstone Caldera during the Lava Creek eruption about 640,000 years ago.

Why does Sal's grandmother cry after she sees Old Faithful erupt in walk two moons?

Sal's grandmother cries after seeing Old Faithful erupt because it reminds her of her deceased husband, Sal's grandfather. The eruption of Old Faithful was a special memory they shared together, and seeing it again stirs up emotions and nostalgia for her.

How long do geysers last?

Geysers can last for varying lengths of time, ranging from minutes to hours. The duration of a geyser eruption is influenced by factors such as water temperature, underground pressure buildup, and the size of the geyser's reservoir. Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park, for example, typically erupts every 90 minutes and lasts for about 3-5 minutes.

When Old Faithful erupts how tall does it get?

When Old Faithful erupts, the height of the eruption can range anywhere from 135 feet (32 meters) to a record of 185 feet (56 meters). An average geyser height is considered 145 feet (44 meters).

When did old faithful last erupt?

Old Faithful was created by a hot spot.Old Faithful is the world's most famous geyser. Situated in yellowstone-national-parks Upper Geyser Basin, it was given its name by members of the washburn, langford, doane expedition because of its predictable eruptions, every 60-90 minutes. Each eruption lasts 1.5-5 minutes, expelling some 3,700-8,400 gallons of boiling water (14,000-32,000 liters) in a narrow jet stream.Old Faithful facts:Each eruption lasts one and a half to five minutes.When it erupts, it sprays 3,700 to 8,400 gallons (14,000 to 32,000 liters) of boiling water up to 184 feet (55 m) in the air.Old Faithful has rarely missed an eruption in over 120 years of recorded historyOld Faithful is one of more than 300 geysers in Yellowstone.Old Faithful is a cone geyser, named for the cone-shaped mineral formation around its opening that makes it erupt in a narrow jet.

What is an eruption of Old Faithful?

Geothermal heat from below the Earth's surface superheats groundwater until it basically boils over in the form of a geyser eruption.

Facts about old faithful?

Two facts about Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park are: - Old Faithful erupts more frequently then other big geysers. - Eruptions are not extremely regular; intervals between eruptions actually vary quite a bit. But the intervals are strongly correlated with the length of time of the previous eruption, and can usually be be predicted to an accuracy of about 10 minutes.