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There is no fixed answer to the question because a number of factors may come into play.

1. The insurer will probably require a claim form, which you may have to obtain from the company. There may be dome delay in getting that and completing it.

2. The insurer will need a certified copy of the death certificate showing the cause of death. It may take a short while for you to obtain it.

3. The company that issued the policy may have merged or been acquired by another company, so there may be some delay in determining those issues.

4. The adjuster assigned to the claim after all the paperwork has been submitted may, in investigating the death claim, have follow-up questions for you which bear upon exceptions or exclusions in the policy, or your entitlement (as opposed to someone else's) entitlement to payment.

State law governs how insurance claims are handled and, absent extenuating circumstances (as discussed above) about how long payment should take. At the outset, assume that it will take at least 30 days, but be prepared for a longer time. The best thing that you can do to facilitate payment is to stay in contact with the adjuster, provide all requested documents timely, and be polite. An adjuster handles many claims and the insurer has a protocol that the adjuster has to follow.

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Q: How long does it take to receive life insurance benefits in Ohio?
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