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First you need to bond with your Budgie give them lots of attentionnd and then when you think they are readythen you can do the do the folowing:

1.Train the with target stick

2. Stick some fruit/vegies through their cage

3. grabe them gently , tap their belly or feet

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Q: How long does it take to hand tame a parakeet?
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I hand tame cockatiels by myself, you have to wear gloves at first get them out of the cage clip there wings that way they won't fly away and hold them and pet them for a long time and before you know it there hand tame but when you have a hand tame bird you have to give it a lot of attention if you don't it will bite really hard sometimes, it takes less then a day to hand tame a bird it probably takes 3 to 5 hours. Hope you get the conure tame :)

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If you plan to hand feed it wait until right prior to the eyes opening. If the parents are semi take you can handle the baby daily to tame without having to feed it. If you dont plan on hand feeding (it's a pain in the butt) then leave the baby alone and lets the parents take care of it

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You can take the animal out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the animal.

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you should get it young so you can tame it easyer and make it talk quicker

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Gujarati for "Did you take meals?" is " shu tame jamya?" or "shu tame khavanu khadhu?"

Will your budgie remain hand tame if you add another to the cage?

Your Budgie should still remain hand tame , with another bird in the cage , if you keep up the handling.

Is tame a long vowel word?

No, "tame" is not a long vowel word. In the word "tame," the 'a' is pronounced as a short vowel sound.

How do you make a leppered gecko tame when you hold it?

The only sure-fire way to make your gecko hand-tame is to handle them daily.

Is it possible to hand tame a goldfinch?

Really tame - like some parrots can be - no, or at least very rarely. They might sit nervously on your finger, but seldom would one be truly tame.

How do you tame your mature budgie?

It takes a lot of time and patience to tame a mature budgie that has not been brought up to be handled constantly. It will never be as tame as a hand-reared one. You can try holding it several times a day, catching it (which can of course be quite stressful for the bird) but enclosing it firmly and securely in your hand and gently stroking it for a long period of time each day. This is really the only way, but a lot of damage can be done in the catching. Try to reach into the cage and quickly close your hand over the bird so it doesn't associate your hand with stress.

Can a frog be wild or tame or both?

No matter how long they have lived with people, alligators are never tame.

How do I care for a Parakeet that is cold?

If it is tame enough for you to do so, you can let it snuggle up to your chest. Close any doors/windows that might be creating a draft. Turn up the heat if necessary. You can also put a towel over the parakeet's cage, covering it completely or with only the front of the cage uncovered.