3 and 1/2 hours
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 3 hours and 40 minutes.
There are 202 miles between Naples, FL & Orlando, FL, according to travelmath.com.
How much are tolls from Orlando FL to Naples FL
The driving distance from Naples, FL, USA to Orlando, FL, USA is 188.35mi / 303.12km
Go north on I-75 towards Tampa. Take exit 261 to I-4 east towards Orlando.
by road using US-17 and I-75 it is 196 miles.
238 miles taking this route:Take I-75 NORTH to I-4 to ORLANDO and TAMPA at EXIT 261. You want to take I-4 EAST to Orlando.Take I-4 EAST to Orlando.
How many days does it take from Seattle to Orlando driven?
190 miles
Orazio Orlando was born on June 14, 1933, in Naples, Campania, Italy.