The approximate driving distance from Virginia to Iowa is 1010 miles or 17 1/2 hours driving time. This is according to Google Maps. com. You did not specify which city in Virginia is your starting point, nor did you did write what city in Iowa is your destination, therefore, it may take a longer, or shorter, time to get from Virginia to Iowa than 17 1/2 hours.
for standard first class mail, its usually about 3 days.
first class mail is delivered in 3 to 5 days
45 minutes
to long
About 20 hours.
Virginia,Iowa in townhouse.
how long will it take to drive from scott city, iowa to decatur, illinois
13 -14 hours, depending on where you live in Iowa.
It will take about 2 hours and 30 minutes.
18 hours
it take 15 hours to get there