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Google Maps estimates the driving time as 12 hours and 22 minutes.
about 760 miles
about 450 miles
The address of the Edgerton Historical Society is: 03375 Cr 5, Edgerton, OH 43517-9749
Only if you want to drive several hundred miles out of your way.
Google maps says 751 miles
just over 700 miles
It is 763 miles according to Google Maps.
Air distance from Minneapolis to Columbus Ohio is 626 miles / 1008 Km
There are four states in the United States whose capital city names include the word "people." These states are: Indianapolis in Indiana, Minneapolis in Minnesota, Annapolis in Maryland, and St. Paul in Minnesota.
Amongst them: College of Dentistry at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, College of Dentistry at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida and School of Dentistry at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities in Minneapolis