45 mins-1 hour drive
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 3 minutes.
About 30 minutes.
There are many Birminghams in the U.S. But from Birmingham, Alabama to Tuscaloosa, Alabama is about a 55-minute drive (58 1/2 miles). * From Birmingham, AL: 00:55 * From Birmingham, IA: 11:47 * From Birmingham, KS: 13:02 * From Birmingham, MO: 11:30 * From Birmingham, PA: 13:56 * From Birmingham, GA: 03:45 * From Birmingham, IL: 11:03 * From Birmingham, IN: 09:48 (Miami Co.) * From Birmingham, IN: 09:15 (Tippecanoe Co.)
To drive from Montgomery, Alabama to Birmingham, Alabama, it will take 1 hour and 28 minutes.
3 and 1/2 hours
20 hours or 4835 miles to drive from Birmingham Alabama to Brazil.
It takes around 35 hours and 59 minutes to drive from Tuscaloosa Alabama to Oakley California. This does not include stopping for gas or resting.
an hour and a half
3 hours
An estimated 2 hours and 39 minutes according to MapQuest.
9 hours