First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 34 hours.
The road distance from Houston, Texas to Portland, Maine is 1,952 miles and the estimated driving time is 32 hours according to Google Maps. Add an extra 550 miles if your departure point is El Paso.
How long does it take to drive from limestone maine to quebec canada
72.8 miles
It take the long drive of 32 hours
The length of time it takes to fly from Houston in Texas to Portland in Maine is 5 hours and 30 minutes. It would take 28 hours to drive between the two locations.
About an hour and 52 minutes
It is 137.40 miles according to MapQuest.
How long does it take to fly from Texas to MadridSpain
The distance is takes to travel from San Antonio, Texas, to Portland, Maine is about 2 days and 23 hours. This also depends on the number of stops you make.