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Tasmanian devils' breeding season lasts from March to May. Female devils will mate with dominant males, who fight to gain their attention. Three weeks after conception, the females give birth to up to 50 babies, called joeys. These 50 extremely tiny joeys scramble to attach themselves to one of the four available teats in the mother's pouch. Those that do not make it will not survive.The remaining joeys will attach to the nipple in the pouch for roughly 3 months while they become fully developed. Like the wombat, the Tasmanian devil has a pouch that opens on the bottom to keep dirt out while traveling.After the joeys leave their mother's pouch, they remain hidden in the den for another 3 months. During this time the mother brings food to the young, and eventually the young devils begin venturing out on their own before finally leaving the den for good. They can live for up to 5 years in the wild.

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11y ago

A Tasmanian devil joey stays in its mother's pouch for up to four months, or between 100 and 120 days. It is then transferred to a den, until it is ready to leave its mother at abut 8 months old.

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10y ago

Tasmanian devil joeys only stay with their mother, not their parents. The male has no part in raising the young. Tasmanian devil joeys stay in the mother's pouch for about 4 months, or 16 weeks. After this, they are transferred to a burrow or den for another four months. They will stay here for around 10 months, by which time they are old enough to leave their mother. Altogether, they stay with the mother until they about a year and a half old.

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11y ago

The developing Tasmanian devil joey is variously quoted as staying in its mother's womb for about 18 - 21 days. This is known as its gestation period.

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How long are newborn Tasmanian Devils?

Newborn Tasmanian devils are less than 2cm in length.

How long does it take for Tasmanian devils to make their dens?

Although Tasmanian devils can and do dig, they expend little energy on making their dens. Tasmanian devils often use caves,hollow logs and old wombat burrows for their dens.

What is the incubation period of a Tasmanian Devil?

Tasmanian devils do not have an incubation period. The term "incubation" relates to how long an egg takes to hatch, and Tasmanian devils do not lay eggs. The gestation period of the Tasmanian devil is between 18 and 21 days.

When are Tasmanian devils born after fertilization?

The gestation period of a Tasmanian devil is between 18 and 21 days.

How long can a Tasmanian devil swim?

Tasmanian devils can swim long enough to save themselves in a minor flood, but they do not readily swim by choice. They a not built for endurance swimming.

How long are baby Tasmanian Devils?

The average life span of a Tasmanian devil is 6-8 years. They are more likely to live longer in captivity, as in the wild they are prone to being hit by cars. The Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) has also reduced the life expectancy of at least one third of wild Tasmanian devils.

How long has the Tasmanian Devils existed?

The Tasmanian devil is thought to have been around for over 10 million years. They are only found on the island of Tasmania.

How long have the Tasmanian devils been on earth?

probally around millions of years. they say they were here before electricity

What animals live in the same biome as Tasmanian devils do?

Tasmanian devils live in thick bushland or temperate forests in Tasmania, as long as there is sufficient undergrowth for them to hide. Animals which may share this biome include wombats, quolls, bandicoots, possums, pademelons and bettongs.

How long have tasminen develsn been around?

Many scientists believe that Tasmanian devils have been around for over 3,000 years. The Tasmanian devil is an animal that is found in the wild in Australia.

How long have Tasmanian devils been around for?

They have been around since the sixth day God took to create the world.

Do Tasmanian devils eat platypuses?

The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) is a carnivorous marsupial mammal that is native to Tasmania. It is a member of the group of animals known as Dasyurids, which simply means the carnivorous marsupials.