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The Dodo is believed to have become extinct around 1681 AD.

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Q: How long did the Dodo birds live in Mauritius?
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In which year was the last dodo spotted?

That would be in the year AD 1598. The dodo only lived on the island of Mauritius, off the coast of Madagascar. These strange birds were first spotted by Europeans by the Portuguese sailors. Of course, local native peoples no doubt had known about the dodo bird for a LONG time before the Portuguese showed up.

How long ago did dodo birds become extinct?

On Mauritius in 1650, and remained until 1800 on Rodriguez. They died of being hunted by humans and the eggs being eaten by pigs and monkeys who were introduced to the islands which are in the Indian ocean.

How many dodo birds are living today?

There are no dodo's alive they are extinct

How long does a dodo live for?

Its Dead...

Why is the dodo bird becoming extinct?

we have to blame humans and animals According to Wikipedia:- When humans first arrived on Mauritius, they also brought with them other animals that had not existed on the island before, including dogs, pigs, cats, rats and crab eating macaques which plundered the dodo nests, while humans destroyed the forests where the birds made their homes. The dodo bird is extinct because when man were alive the cut down all of the trees and dodo birds then had nothing to eat because dodo bird used to eat fruit of the trees of Mauritius island. ALSO I HAVE NO CLUE !!! Because it was defenceless. When people arrived on the previously un-peopled island of Mauritius, people walked up to them and clubbed them on the head, and some other animal invaders ate their eggs and young. This drove the dodo to extinction - and the expression 'as dead as a dodo'.

How long are dodo birds dead for?

Well until the world ends, once its dead..its dead.

Did dodo birds go up the dodo tree?

The Tambalacoque tree,also known as the "dodo tree", was hypothesized by Stanley Temple to have been eaten from by Dodos, and only by passing through the digestive tract of the dodo could the seeds germinate; he claimed that the tambalacocque was now nearly extinct. The Dodo birds possibly ate the fruit of the "dodo tree" not the tree itself. Of course, the dodo bird is now long extinct.

Mention some special features of the dodo bird?

Dodo birds are: -fat (they were hunted for their meat) -featherry -big beak -very stupid - 2cm long legs -The name comes from Rican Dodo who found these type of birds in 1876 (he was a Mexican explorer)

How many years does the dodo bird live?

The dodo bird is now extinct. When they were in existence, their lifespan was never properly recorded. It's believed they could live as long as 30 years.

How long did the dodo bird species live?

the Dodo bird lived for around 17.5 years.

Was the dodo in the dinosaur era?

No, the dodo bird did not exist in the dinosaur era. The dodo bird lived much later, in the late 16th to early 17th century, on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, long before the dodo bird came into existence.

What is Mauritius famous for?

Mauritius is famous for its sandy beaches. Addition from Ash: Mauritius is known as the gem of the Indian Ocean. The long stretch of white sand beaches and the diversity of the population makes it the ultimate melting pot of the region. The famous Dodo bird now extinct was once native of the Island. We also have the 7 colored earth; a natural phenomenon that makes the soil turn different colors. To my knowledge there were 7 colors.