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Q: How long did it take for the lava to cool in pompeii?
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How long does the lava stay hot for?

It usually depends on how hot the lava and how cold the water is. I think it can take around half a minute for the lava to cool off when its in cold water and that's all i can think of.

How long does a plane ride take from Pompeii to Paris?

600 miles from pompeii to Paris

Why does lava take a long time to cool down?

Lava takes a long time to cool down because it has very high temperatures, sometimes exceeding 1,000 degrees Celsius. The large difference in temperature between the lava and its surroundings means heat transfer happens slowly. Additionally, lava is a poor conductor of heat, further contributing to the slow cooling process.

How long did it take to go from Pompeii to Rome in a boat in ancient times?

You couldn't go by boat to Rome from Pompeii. Rome is north of Pompeii and inland.

How long would it take for lava to dry?

Lava does not "dry" like water does. It cools and solidifies, forming rocks like basalt or obsidian. The time it takes for lava to cool and harden depends on its volume, thickness, and composition, but it can range from hours to weeks.

How long did it take to go from Pompeii to Rome in a boat?

A few hours.

Why did it take so long to find Pompeii?

because this is a city is very distant

How long does it take to get rid of a volcano lava?

it takes approxomately about a couple of weeks to clear the lava

How long goes it take go to Pompeii from London by flight?

Well, it...kind of depends......where you're from.....

How long will it take for you to die if you jump into lava?

Depends on where the lava is how much lava there is etc, Aka if you stick ur head into a pool of lava death is almost instant, But if you stand in a pool of lava it might take around 20 seconds for it to melt your bones and flesh.

How long does it take for lava to harden?

The time it takes for lava to harden can vary depending on factors such as temperature, composition, and volume. Generally, lava can start to harden within minutes to hours after being exposed to air, forming a solid crust. However, the interior may take days, weeks, or even years to fully cool and harden.

Lava reaches how many degrees?

Lava is molten rock that spews from an erupting volcano. It is extremely hot, reaching temperatures as high as 1,300 to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (704 to 1093 degrees Celsius). In a volcanic eruption, lava is in liquid form. When it solidifies, it forms igneous rock. However, it can take quite a long time to cool, traveling great distances before becomes solid