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Q: How long did Clyde tombaugh live in Arizona?
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What satellite discovered Pluto?

No satellite did. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh, who found it using a ground-based telescope in 1930, long before we launched the first satellites.

When did Kepler find Pluto?

Neither Johannes Kepler nor the Kepler Space Telescope discovered Pluto. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, long after Johannes Kepler died and long before the Kepler telescope was created. The Kepler telescope was built to discover planets in other solar systems, not our own.

Where did john mccain live in Arizona?

John Mccain I think lives in the beautiful city of Scottsdale, AZ.

How long is the River Clyde?

112 miles longThe length is 109 miles

How long do you have to live in Arizona to become a resident?

You only have to live in Arizona for 6 weeks to be considered a resident. If you have a home and receive mail there, you are considered a resident.

How long ago was Ploto discovered?

33,557 days Pluto was finally discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory, based on predictions by Lowell and other astronomers. Pluto got its name from 11-year-old Venetia Burney of Oxford, England, who suggested to her grandfather that the new world get its name from the Roman god of the underworld.

Your daughter lives in Arizona and we live in California what does she need to drive our car in Arizona?

well I'm sure you know she needs a drivers license, but a lot of it depends on how long she will be there, she may be required to change the the plates and also get an Arizona license. I would suggest to call the dmv for Arizona.

What is the ninth longest river in the UK?

River Clyde at 106 miles long.

How long is it to drive to Arizona?

Not long if you are in Blythe, California.

When does the river Clyde meet the sea?

"It flows from Leadhills all the way to the sea"

How long does it take to drive from Phoenix Arizona to Goodyear Arizona?

About 30 minutes.

How long is hike to Fossil Creek Arizona?

Hike to Fossil Creek Arizona