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Currently in the state of Utah, there is no specific age that children must reach in order to be left alone. It is recommended that children are not left alone until they are mature and knowledgeable about various safety issues.

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14y ago

This depends on the age of the child. Children 12 and older are considered old enough to stay alone for a few hours and to babysit younger children.

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Q: How long can a child stay alone Utah?
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How old can a child be to stay alone in the state of Florida?

How long can a child stay home alone at the age of 8?

depending on what state you are in, it is probably 10-12

What age can a child stay by themselves in Utah?

14-19 no dur if ur 123456789 u cant stay in Utah there by ur selves

How long can a 12 year long stay home alone in MD?

In Maryland, the minimum age of leaving a child home alone is 8 years. Depending on the maturity of the child, I'd say that a 12 year old can be left home alone for the daytime, but overnight, the child should be at least 15.

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In Arkansas, there is no specific legal age outlined for a child to stay alone overnight. It is ultimately up to the parents to determine if their child is responsible and mature enough to stay alone overnight. It is recommended that parents consider factors such as the child's age, maturity level, and their ability to handle emergencies before allowing them to stay alone overnight.

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What is the legal age for a child to stay alone overnight in Ontario Canada?

There is currently not a law that specifies the age a child has to be to stay home alone overnight. It is left up to the parents to decide if their child is mature enough to handle it.

How long can a child stay home alone?

It depends om your definition of "Child." My definition: "A child is from moment of conception through early adolescence." In this case, a child should never be left alone!

What is the legal age for a child to stay home alone in New York?

There are no laws that say how old a child should be to stay at home alone in New York. The recommended age is 13 to 18.

Can a child be left alone ina home at the age of 8 years old?

No! A child has to be 10 years ol to stay home alone!

What to do when a accident occurs?

Stay calm and if you are an child you are to stay with and adult and if you are alone please contact and adult

What to do when accident occur?

Stay calm and if you are an child you are to stay with and adult and if you are alone please contact and adult