How long is the train ride from Rome to Nice, France?
- Chosen by VotersThe fastest connection lasts 8 hours and 35 minutes.
Roma Termini 15:46
Ventimiglia 23:15
Ventimiglia 23:31
Nice Ville 00.21
The driving distance from Nice, France to Rome, Italy is about 440 road miles - approximately 7 hours driving time.
The capital of France is Paris, and the capital of Italy is Rome.
Rome is the capital city of Italy of France
No, Rome is the capital city of Italy
Rome is south-west in Italy and far south of France.
NO. Paris is in FRANCE, and is the capital there. The capital of Italy is Rome.
Rome is a city in the country of Italy, not a country of itself. Rome is also a lot smaller than France, which is a country.
France........ Rome............ Italy............ Others!
were did it start Rome Italy or France
It's about 4,200 miles, and a 10hr plane ride from the Newark/NYC area to Rome, Italy
It's about 4,200 miles, and a 10hr plane ride from the Newark/NYC area to Rome, Italy
Yes. Paris is a city, the capital of France. Italy is a country.