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Madisyn Hayes

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Q: How long are annual appropriations available for new new obligations?
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What are how long are annual appropriations available for new obligations?

Expired appropriations are not available to obligate once they expire (if it's not obligated by the expiration date, they are no longer available). However, the unliquidated obligations (funds already obligated but not expensed) are available to use (or create expenditures) for up to five years from the date the funds expire. The obligated funds must be used for the intent they were they originally obligated.See the link below.

What are my obligations my employee had a stroke and will not be back to work?

My employee had a stroke and looks like a long road back to recovery, but he might not. what are my obligations as his employer.

What are obligations expetected to be paid after one year?

long term liabiities

What is solvency?

Solvency is having assets greater than liabilities and the anticipated ability to pay your obligations using them. Insolvency is having more obligations than your assets can be expected to meet. ............................................................................................................................... Solvency refers to a company's ability to meet its long-term obligations through its operations. It is often confused with liquidity, which refers to a firm's ability to meet it's financial obligations with cash and short-term assets it currently holds. A company may be illiquid but solvent; meaning that they are starved of cash (and no one will give them cash), but have long-term assets that are valuable enough to meet obligations in the long-term. Solvency is when a business can meet their long term goals for financial obligations.

Do you buy bonds for a short-term or a long-term investment?

Bonds are generally considered long-term obligations.

What obligation does a parent have for a child in college for support?

Legally, as long as the child is 18, there are no obligations.

How long does the Disney annual pass last?

If it's an annual pass then it lasts one year.

What does a company's solvency mean?

Solvency refers to a company's ability to meet its long-term obligations through its operations. It is often confused with liquidity, which refers to a firm's ability to meet it's financial obligations with cash and short-term assets it currently holds. A company may be illiquid but solvent; meaning that they are starved of cash (and no one will give them cash), but have long-term assets that are valuable enough to meet obligations in the long-term.

Form 1040 is what type of form?

Form 1040 is a an annual tax form for the residents of the United States. It is also referred to as the "long form". Other 1040 forms available are 1040A (the short form) and 1040EZ.

How long will Australia's uranium last?

Depending on the annual production !

What sustained Egypt for so long?

The annual Nile flood.

What is the cost for an annual subscription to Real Simple?

Through Amazon an annual subscription to Real Simple is available for about 24 dollars. Through the actual company one can purchase a year long subscription for the same price although 30 cents cheaper an issue if one subscribes for 2 years as opposed to just 1.