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UAE supplies water by a process called desalination.It is the process of removing salt from sea water

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Q: How is water supplied to houses in UAE?
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How is water supplied from its source to houses?

Cities have water pipes that bring the water to homes.

What were houses made out of in the uae 1960?

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Why ac currents are not used in houses?

On the contrary, houses are ALWAYS supplied with a.c.

What are houses in Dubai made of?

People who are from UAE have houses made from strong cement but rest bricks.

From where is wholesome water required to be supplied?

Distributing pipe

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110 Volts (V)

How does the UAE get water?

desalinization plants

Which body of water is to the north of the uae?

Persian Gulf

What does the underground water in the UAE come from?

desalination plants

Where is rain water collected is UAE?

it is collected from the ocean

Is drinking water supplied to all citizens suitable for human consumption?

If it supplied "for drinking" then the citizen of any country would have obvious legal redress if the water thus supplied proven to be unfit to drink. However in some countries the supplied tap water is NOT advertised as "fit for drinking" and needs to be boiled. In this instance the water supplied to citizens would not be suitable for human consumption.

How is water supplied to your homes?

It is supplied, under pressure, through a system of underground pipes.