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The use of machinery is the fact they use a sheerer to sheer the sheep.

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Q: How is the use of machinery in hill sheep farms like?
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What is the relief of a hill sheep farm like?

The relief of a hill sheep farm is typically hilly or mountainous, with varying elevations and slopes. The terrain may be rugged and challenging for farming activities, requiring specialized skills for grazing management and animal husbandry. Access to water sources and sheltered areas for livestock are important considerations on hill sheep farms.

Where sheep live?

Sheep live everywhere in the country, like farms where they live on pastures.

What do Welsh people farm?

Welsh farmers typically focus on livestock farming, particularly sheep farming, which is a major agricultural activity due to the country's hilly terrain. Cattle farming is also common in Wales, as well as dairy farming and the production of crops like barley, oats, and potatoes.

Were do fine wool sheep live?

Fine wool sheep live on farms like all other sheep. The merino sheep breed is responsible for most of the fine wool produced in the world. There are many Fine wool stud farms around the world of which the FAIRWORLD Fine Wool Stud in South Africa is the most prominent.

What were mycenaean kindoms like?

They had a hill top kingdoms with big walls and inside the walls were many farms and towns

Where do sheep live?

Sheep can be found in many parts of the world, but they are most commonly raised for their wool and meat in countries like Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and parts of North America. They are typically raised on farms or ranches in rural areas where they have access to pastures for grazing.

What is the place called where sheep are kept?

Why do want to know? Anyway, they are kept in pens called GS pens because it is very dangerous if you do not have pens for sheep and goats because they carry out a disease called hircositus. Hope this helps!

What type of Livestock is in Ireland?

Cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and horses are the main ones. Farms have all sort of poultry too, like chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese.

Machinery used on farm?

Some machinery used on farms include tractors, combines, plows, and seeders. These machines help farmers with tasks like planting, harvesting, and tilling the soil, making their work more efficient and productive.

What kind of animals did the farmers have on their farms in the New England colonies?

They used goats, pigs, chickens, and horses. We don't know everything yet, though. They might have had cows or sheep on their farms like we do today. However, we weren't alive during then. Let's just stick with what we know for now!

Why do sheep live on farms?

Depends on the person. Sheep are usually raised for their wool, meat, and milk. Some breeds like Suffolks can also be kept as show animals (yes there are sheep shows).

Why are hills good places to rear sheeps?

Often the hills are too steep and rugged for machinery like tractors and implements to be driven on without risk of flipping over. Hills grow grass, which feeds the sheep.