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the best in the world

Feijoada, churrasco, escondidinho, caipirinha, carreteiro, pao de queijo, quindim, vatapa, moqueca, farofa...

Now you know the name of the food, but what is the food like? Let me elaborate...

  • Feijoada - A meat and beans dish, generally with beef and pork, served with some vegetables and rice. Very tasty, though it can be a little heavy. It is the national dish for Brazil that is also served in Portugal, so it is in the "must try" category.
  • Churrasco - Basically any kind of grilled, skewered meat.
  • Escondidinho - Slivers of meat baked in layers of potato puree and coated in cheese. It's a little like a Shepherds Pie with a top layer of baked cream cheese. An awesome dish.
  • Caipirinha - An alcoholic bevarage mixed with Chachaca, sugar and lime.
  • Carreteiro - A very tasty casserole with meat, peppers and tomatoes served with rice.
  • Pao de Queijo - Cornflour bread buns filled with cheese. An excellent finger food that everyone seems to love.
  • Quindim - A vanilla and coconut custard dessert. Very sweet and very delicious.
  • Vatapa - The first time I tried this, it tasted like a satay and coconut seafood dish... exactly what it is, ground peanuts and coconut milk casserole with shrimp.
  • Moqueca - Another fine Brazilian seafood casserole. Fish with a variety of garden vegetables, though its often steamed and not boiled in water.
  • Farofa - This is a tricky one to explain, but it is basically a special blend of flour baked with butter and meat, normally something like pork or bacon.

Now you know what they actually are... how would you assume they would taste? At least you now know what you are ordering.

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