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Q: How is the earth is like a mother?
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How can mother earth be like a mother?

mother earth gives us air, night time and day time just like our mothers she gives us life like mother earth our moms gives us food, water ,and a house and we get that from mother earth.

What was the Navajos connection to the earth?

the earth to us is like a mother it cares for us, it feeds us, etc. we call it Mother earth.

What is the best rhyming sentence on mother?

Beacause like the earth, there is no other.

What planet looks more like earth in temperature gravity atmosphere and water?

Among the known planets, Venus has the most similarities to Earth in terms of size and gravity. However, with its thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide, extreme temperatures, and lack of liquid water on its surface, Venus is not as Earth-like as Mars. Mars has a similar day length, reasonable temperatures at times, evidence of past water flow, and lower gravity compared to Earth.

Is mother earth India?

No. The earth in which we live on, is Mother Earth.

Why is earth called a girl?

Because earth provides and helps sustain life. The ultimate nurturer, like a mother.

Who is the saint for mother earth?

There is no saint for mother earth.

Why do they call earth mother earth?

The reason why its called mother earth is from the quote 'Mother Nature' and nature is near enough the whole earth.

What does earth symbol meaning?

The astronomical symbol for Earth is a cross surrounded by a circle. The cross probably comes from the Earth being personified as a Goddess, like Mother Earth.

Is Earth a boy?

Earth is actually called to be a "female", hence Mother Earth, or Mother Nature.

When was Mother Earth News created?

Mother Earth News was created in 1970.

Who are Mother Earths' children?

In various mythologies and cultures, Mother Earth's children are often seen as all living beings that inhabit the Earth, including humans, animals, plants, and even deities associated with nature. They are considered to be interconnected and interdependent, forming a harmonious relationship within the natural world.