Antarctica is melting and the waters are rising. as the waters continue to rise from Antarctica melting. It will take homes and cities and that will lead to lots of deaths.
it will become smaller because of global warming is melting antarctica
Global warming is slowly melting the ice in Antarctica.
The temperature change would cause this issue, not the other way around. Antarctica is still increasing in total ice volume according to the IPCC and will for at least another 150 years. The Arctic is what was melting somewhat.
because the ice is melting
Ice fields melting.
There is no permanent population on the continent of Antarctica.
No. Antarctica is frozen, with some melting and re-freezing that occurs during summer periods.
Antarctica's melting ice will flow into the sea. This will raise sea levels around the world. There is enough ice on Antarctica to raise sea levels by 60 metres (200 feet).
because it is too cold to survive and it is melting so you will die
Melting is the only threat to the freshwater ice sheet.
You can find water there by melting ice or desalinating sea water.