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Cobalite is cobalt that has been extracted from copper and nickel. The mixture is often heated and treated using flash smelting techniques, and often, the mixture is boiled to get it to separate.

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Q: How is cobaltite extracted?
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How does cobaltite fracture?

The mineral cobaltite, CoAsS, has a brittle fracture, and exhibits good cleavage in three directions.

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What is cobalt in its normal phase?

It is a solid found as the ore cobaltite and most abundantly in veins of copper and nickel ore.

What is the mineral cobaltite used for I need all you know about cobaltite Please?

Cobaltite is a sulfide mineral composed of cobalt, arsenic, and sulfur, CoAsS. Its impurities may contain up to 10% iron and variable amounts of nickel.The mineral is mostly found in the Cobalt District, Ontario, Canada; Sweden; Norway; Germany; Cornwall, England; Australia; Democratic Republic of the Congo; and Morocco.It occurs in high-temperature hydrothermal deposits and contact metamorphic rocks.I only know this.

What is cobalt ore?

Cobalt minerals are cobaltite, skutterdite, glaucodot, saffronite; cobalt is also a by-product of copper and nickel processing.

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