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As in any volcano, according to Wikipedia, the lava temperature ranges between "...700 to 1,200 °C (1,292 and 2,192 °F).

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Q: How hot is the lava in the Mount Erebus volcano?
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Is Mt Erebus an active volcano?

Yes, Mt Erebus in Antarctica is an active volcano. It is the southernmost active volcano on Earth and is known for its persistent lava lake within its summit crater.

Does Erebus the volcano have ice instead of lava?

No, Erebus volcano in Antarctica does not have ice instead of lava. It is an active volcano that contains a lava lake within its crater. The extreme cold temperatures on the continent can cause the lava to solidify quickly after it emerges from the volcano.

What is hot magma outside a volcano called?

Hot magma outside a volcano is called lava. Lava is molten rock that flows out of a volcano during an eruption.

How hot is mount tamboras lava?

Mount Tambora's lava can reach temperatures of around 1,300 to 1,600 degrees Celsius (2,372 to 2,912 degrees Fahrenheit). This extreme heat allows the lava to flow relatively quickly and efficiently when erupting from the volcano.

What is a sentence for lava?

Lava is a hot thing that comes out of a volcano.

What do lava mean?

Lava is the hot molten rock that emerges from a volcano.

What comes out of an volcano?

hot burning lava comes out of an volcano when it explodes

What you call a volcano which can still erupt hot lava hot gases and dust?

An "Active" volcano.

What makes a volcano to erupt?

the hot lava

What is that hot thing from a volcano?

Hot things from a volcano are lava (molten rock), hot ash. steam, and toxic gasses.

What is the hot liquid that flows from a volcano called?


Can you give a sentence using the word lava?

Lava is hot and danger.The lava is fire and light.My friend saw a volcano with lava.The volcanoes are full of hot lava.