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Q: How has language influenced Europe?
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Which area of Europe was influenced and controlled by the Soviet Union?

Eastern Europe was influenced and controlled by the Soviet Union.

Why regions language was least influenced by the indo European migrations?

The Basque language was least influenced by the Indo-European migrations because the Basque people have a unique linguistic and cultural heritage that predates the arrival of Indo-European languages in Europe. Basque is a language isolate, meaning it is not related to any other language family, and has survived in the isolated mountainous region of the Pyrenees.

What is the official language of the roman empire how has the language or Romans influenced modern languages?

Latin was the official language of the empire. It has influenced many languages in the continent of Europe, many of which are the major languages of the world. The languages that come from Latin are described as the Romance Languages, the main ones are: French, Spanish, Italian, and Romanian. However, many languages show influence of Latin, though not being considered a Romance language. One great example would be English. English is considered a Germanic language, but is a mix of Germanic and French, thus indirectly influenced by Latin. There is also the Latin Alphabet, which is used by most languages spoken in Europe (Germanic and Romance).

Which regions language was least influenced by the indo European migrations?

The Basque language, spoken in the Basque Country in northern Spain and southwestern France, is considered to be least influenced by the Indo-European migrations. Basque is a language isolate, meaning it is not related to any other known language family, making it unique in Europe.

Bichitr was a mughal painter whose works were influenced by art from .?

Europe .

How has Europe influenced the world?

Europe has influenced the world in many ways. For one, they have helped the world tap into the current fashionable trends and designs. Europe has also influenced the world in global politics, sports, and especially mouth watering cuisine.

Where was the latin language discovered?

Latin as a language evolved in the region of Latium, located in central Italy. It was originally spoken by the Latins, an Italic tribe living in the area. Over time, Latin became the dominant language of the Roman Empire and subsequently influenced many other languages in Europe and beyond.

What language influenced the old English language?

Norman French influenced it heavily from 1066 onward, and eventually turned it into Middle English.

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How has Europe influenced the Canadian economy?

they liked their laungage