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When the penguin goes into the water its outer feathers behave like fish scales and keep out the water away from the downy layer. To keep warm the penguin fluffs up its feathers so the air trapped among them will stay warm.

To learn more about a penguin's feathers see related link..

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Its like are skin we give of heat well so do penguins even if there in the freezing cold

example. If it winter a human body gives of more heat because we are cold.

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Q: How feathers keep penguins warm in Antarctica?
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How do feathers keep penguins warm in Antarctica?

there is no explanation it just keeps them warm sciencetist dont know fully about their feathers that is made to keep them warm.

Give two adaptations that penguins have to keep warm in Antarctica?

They have several layers of feathers and they have feet covered in feather to keep warm.

How do penguins keep warm in order to survive in Antarctica?

Penguins have a layer of fat under their feathers in order to keep warm in Antarctic air and frigid ocean waters.

What do penguins feathers do?

thay keep the penguin warm

Why do penguins have all thoses feathers?

To keep it warm

Do penguins have hair?

No, penguins do not have hair. They have feathers that provide insulation to keep them warm in cold water environments. Feathers are a characteristic feature of birds, including penguins.

Do adelie penguins have feathers?

Yes, like any other penguins they have feathers to keep them warm when they are looking for fishes in the freezing water.

Why do penguins have tightly packed feathers?

penguins have downy feathers so they can keep them selfs and there eggs warm and dry

How do the Chinstrap Penguins survive in Antarctica?

They have a thick layer of blubber to keep them warm.

Does the penguin hibernate?

No, penguins do not hibernate. They are active year-round, even in the harsh winter conditions of Antarctica where they breed and raise their young. Penguins have adapted to survive in cold environments by having thick layers of feathers and blubber to keep them warm.

What do penguins use their fur for?

Penguins are birds and therefore do not have fur. They have feathers, which insulate their bodies and keep them warm. Oils in the feathers help the birds glide through the water.

When did penguins lost their feathers?

Penguins do have feathers; you just can't see them as well as other birds. Penguin feathers are very thick and tightly woven together to keep out the cold and stay warm in the icy water.