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Q: How father sanchez and governor echeandia first reacted to the arrival of people from California?
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What part of speech is reacted?

The word reacted is a verb. It is the past tense of the verb react.

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"Reacted" is a verb in the past tense form. It is not a participle or a gerund.

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The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.The Romans reacted to Lucretia's suicide by revolting, ousting the king and forming the republic.

How do you think religious leaders reacted to akhenaton?

Religious leaders reacted angry. HOPED IT HELPED (^_^) LOVE,justinbieberfatima

What part of speech is the word reacted?

React is a verb; reacted is the simple past tense.

In which temperature white phosphorus is start reacted?

In summer when the surrounding temperature rise to 35 degree Celsius it started reacted