The address of the Tiverton Historical Society is: Po Box 95, Tiverton, RI 02878
Newport and Tiverton RI
washington, dc
The driving distance from Providence RI to Washington DC is 408 road miles using I-95 South.
The drive time from Washington, District of Columbia to Newport, Rhode Island is:6 hours, 38 minutes
The drive time from Washington, District of Columbia to Providence, Rhode Island is:6 hours, 25 minutes
This is an approximate direct (straight line) distance. During actual travel, this distance may change if a different flight route is chosen. The distance between the two places in miles is:298
No The Acela runs from Washington, DC- Baltimore-Philadelphia-New York-Providence-Boston Does 150mph around Kingston,RI
The distance between the start point and the destination is 56 miles, and will take approximately 1 hour 2 minutes of driving time.
The distance between Raleigh, NC and Providence, RI is 571.0 miles(919.0 km).
about 75 miles
60 miles