441 miles
The distance from Portland, Oregon to Pendleton, Oregon is 208 miles (334.7 km).
Pendleton, Oregon is located in Umatilla county.
CNA training is offered in just about every city or state; even in Pendleton, Oregon.
The address of the Pendleton Air Museum is: Po Box 639, Pendleton, OR 97801-0639
The address of the Children'S Museum Of Eastern Oregon is: 400 S Main St, Pendleton, OR 97801-0560
About 4,600 miles from the westernmost point of Oregon to the easternmost point of Japan.
the Umatilla river
The address of the Pendleton Round-Up Hall-Fame is: 1114 Sw Court Ave, Pendleton, OR 97801
about 231 miles to drive 5 hours
check google earth
The driving distance is about 250 miles.