110 miles taking this route:
How far is it from Columbus Ohio to Canton Ohio
Ohio, not far from Lorain.
Oberlin College is located in the state of Ohio, in the town of Oberlin, near Dayton, Ohio.
The address of the Leadership Ohio is: 14462 State Rt 55, Oberlin, OH 44074
Oberlin, Ohio. (Oberlin College).
swift code for firstmerit bank ohio oberlin
About 1hr 30mins.
20 Minutes.
Oberlin College is located in the town of Oberlin, in Ohio, near the city of Dayton.
The phone number of the Oberlin College is: 440-775-8668.
The web address of the Oberlin College is: http://www.oberlin.edu/senate
The web address of the Oberlin Heritage Center is: oberlinherigate.org