The distance from Vienna (in the far east of Austria) to Uzhhorod (in the far west of Ukraine) is 440 km.
915 miles
Zurich, Switzerland to Vienna Austria is 745km = 7hrs 23mins (by car)
In the city of Verona, in northeastern Italy, not far from Venice.
5925 MI/ 9535 KM
It's in the northeast, not too far from Venice.
≈1227.74 nautical miles.
21.54 Miles or 34.66 Kilometers
Yes, they are from Verona. Verona is a city in Northern Italy, not too far from Venice.
75 kilometres taking this route:Leave Brugnera, and follow signs to A28 CONEGLIANOTake A28 to A27 VENEZIA.Take A27 to Venice.
As far as I know Belvedere, the palace, is in Vienna in Austria and not in the county of Kent (UK). So... no, it's not in kent.
The air distance from Nice, France, to Venice, Italy, is 277 miles. That equals 446 kilometers or 241 nautical miles.