About an hour and fifteen minutes by train.
What trains would you take from Heathrow to get to Saxmundham?
Ipswich is approx. 70 miles away from London and takes about a hour to get there by car if there is no traffic, about an hour and a half in moderate traffic, and two hours during the morning or evening rush hour.
Ipswich is a town in Suffolk, roughly 80 miles to the North East of Greater London.
London-Ipswich is 68 miles by rail.
About 80 miles
not as far as i am aware
Depending on exactly where from in Southend. To exactly where to in Ipswich. It's around 58.5 miles in total.
69 miles taking A12.
the mileage is around 165 miles.
The nearest major airport is London Stansted.
Suffolk is a county on the east coast of England about 80 miles northeast of London.
130 miles taking this route:Take A12 LONDON, from Ipswich, to M25 at J11 in London; follow signs to M25 (S) to DARTFORD CROSSING (to M20).Take M25 down to M20 to DOVER and the CHANNEL TUNNEL at J3.Take M20 & A20 to Dover.