The air distance from Atlanta, Georgia, to Fort Myers, Florida, is 513 miles. That equals 826 kilometers or 446 nautical miles.
155 miles
How far is West Palm beach from Fort Myers 125.56 miles appox 2.5 hr drive time
153 miles
It is 14.9 miles according to Google Maps.
It takes 2 hours and 6 minutes to drive from the City of Tampa to the City of Fort Myers, FL
About 300 miles driving distance.
The distance between the start point and the destination is 566 miles, and will take approximately 8 hours 39 minutes of driving time.
it is about 50 miles from fort Myers airport to Marco island
The shortest distance is 140 miles.
5 hours
The Fort Myers Airport or RSW is 20.5 miles from Fort Myers Beach which is located on Estero Island Florida. The zip code for FMB is 33931. Fort Myers Beach is a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world due to its tropical climate, white sugar sand beaches and clear blue waters. Many local real estate companies in Fort Myers Beach offer free maps and vacation rental info to snowbirds and tourists.