Portland, Oregon to Fort Collins, CO is about 1180 miles by taking I-84 and I-80.
The address of the Fort Collins Museum Of Discovery is: 408 Mason Court, Fort Collins, CO 80524
The address of the Fort Collins Museum is: 200 Mathews Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524-2817
As of 2021, the population of Fort Collins, CO is approximately 174,000 people.
The address of the Fort Collins Museum Foundation is: 480 Mason Ct, Fort Collins, CO 80524
Fort Collins, CO has an area of 47.1 sq miles (122 km²).
The address of the Fort Collins Museum Of Contemporary Art is: 526 S College, Fort Collins, CO 80524
As a matter of fact there is a college in Fort Collins, CO. The name of the college is Colorado State Univeristy, Fort Collins. In addition, to the aforementioned institution, Fort Collins also houses Front Range community College and McKinley College.
The address of the Fort Collins Municpl Railway Society is: Po Box 635, Fort Collins, CO 80522-0635
Fort Collins/Loveland - Fort Collins Airport, CO, USA (FNL)
The closest one of any size to the south of Fort Collins is Loveland.
Zone 5a.