How far is Sandpoint Idaho from Boise Idaho?
It is 154 miles Salem Oregon to Madras Oregon.
It is 14.9 miles from Monmouth Oregon to Salem Oregon.
It is 132 miles from Bend Oregon to Salem Oregon.
It is 229 miles from Salem Oregon to Medford Oregon.
About 104 miles on I-84 E
600,549 miles from Boston to Boise Idaho
611 miles
635 miles
It is about 950 miles.
It was Lewiston at first, but disputes over where the capital should be resulted in it being moved to Boise. Boise was growing in size and closer to the center of the state. Lewiston was too far north. It can be argued that Boise is now too far southwest, but there aren't big enough cities near the true center of the state to make one capital. Plus, many capitals aren't in the center of their states anyway.
261 miles