The distance from Queens, NY to Salina, KS is 1,408 miles with a predictive drive time of 22 hours and 55 minutes if a route combing I-80 W and I-70 W. By using I-70 W alone the distance is 1,378 miles with a drive time of 22 hours and 59 minutes.
Palmyra, NY, is 291 miles. Palmyra, NJ, is 85 miles.
From Selden, NY to Queens, NY is 53 miles; 1 hour, 4 minutes driving time.
NY Queens
The population of Queens, New York is about 2,340,000.
The current total local sales tax rate in Queens County, NY is 8.875%.
Southfields, NY
Astoria is in Queens County, NY
Both LaGuardia and JFK Airports are in Queens.
no, she didn't grow up in Trinadad, she was born in Trinadad, but spent most of her childhood until she got famous in Southside Jamaica Queens New York.
260 miles
Queens in NY