The longitude of Rome is about 12.5 degrees East.
That of course depends on what you consider 'near'.The extreme western point of Italy is about 50 miles west of Torino,where the boundary between Italy and France hits longitude 6.63° E,about 324 miles east of the PM.The farthest point appears to be the east coast of Italy's 'heel', about975 miles east of the Prime Meridian.
Downtown Los Angeles is 118.25° west of the Prime Meridian. The distance from Los Angeles to the nearest point on the Prime Meridian is 3,866 miles. (The nearest point on the Prime Meridian is the north Pole.)
24885 miles
You need to specify which college. The prime meridian is at Greenwich, just east of the centre of London, UK.
The equator is an imaginary line that divides Earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Italy is entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. The prime meridian is the starting point for measuring longitude and does not pass through Italy, as it runs through Greenwich, England.
Los Angeles is about 118° west of the Prime Meridian, which is located in Greenwich, England. So, Los Angeles is 242° east of the Prime Meridian.
The prime meridian is located at 0 degrees longitude.
Italy is north of equator and east of the prime meridian therefore it is in the north east hemisphere