The driving distance between Chicago, IL and Omaha, NE is approximately 470 miles. The driving time would be approximately 7 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
467 mi - about 7 hours 16 mins Chicago, IL, USA to Omaha, NE, USA
1. Head west on E Adams St toward S Michigan Ave 0.2 mi
2. Turn left at S State St 0.3 mi
3. Turn right at W Congress Pkwy 0.3 mi
4. Continue on I-290 W 14.0 mi
5. Slight left at I-88 W (signs for TOLLWAY/Aurora/Indiana/I-88/I-294)
Partial toll road 140 mi
6. Take exit 1B to merge onto I-80 W toward Des Moines
Entering Iowa 186 mi
7. Take the exit onto I-80 W toward Omaha/Council Bluffs 122 mi
8. Take exit 1A to merge onto I-29 N toward Sioux City 2.1 mi
9. Take the exit on the left onto I-480 W/US-6 W toward Omaha
Entering Nebraska 1.0 mi
10. Take exit 4 to merge onto Dodge St/US-6 toward Omaha 1.0 mi
Omaha, NE, USA
Which Omaha - Nebraska, Texas, Arkansas or Illinois?
Los Angeles, California is 1,549 miles from Omaha, Nebraska.
140 miles
It is 642.39 miles according to MapQuest.
About 135 miles.
It is 509 miles according to Google Maps.
35 mls
Nonstop, it is 2 hours and 14 minutes.
the western boundary of this South Atlantic state is as far west as chicago, Illinois
about four hours
It is 61.3 miles according to Google Maps.
125 miles taking I-57 NORTH.