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Q: How far from the property line can you build a garage in Mississippi?
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How close can you build a garage too the property line colchester ct?

Call the town clerk's office and ask about building restrictions.

How close to the property line can you build a garage in the county of Middlesex in New Jersey?

Call your town clerk's office and inquire about building restrictions.

How far can you build garage from a property line in Baltimore County?

That issue is governed by local law. You need to call your town clerk and ask that question.

How far from property line can you build a fence in Centralia Illinois?

Typically you are not to build a fence anywhere past your property line.

Can you build a garage on the property line South Dakota?

You need to call your local town building code enforcement department to obtain your answer. That type of matter is handled locally.

How close to your property line can you build a garage?

That depends on your local building codes. You need to call your town clerk's office and ask to speak to someone in the building permit department.

Can neighbor tear down garage structure if on property their property line?

Under certain circumstances, yes.

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Can you build up to the property line if you have a zero lot line lot?

yes you can but you have to be careful where the foundation wall sits. And the thickness of the footing has to be doubled and the projection cannot be on the other property.

The power company has no easement on their power line that goes through your property Can you build a garage under the line?

Your title would need to be researched to determine if an easement was granted in years past. Utility easements are often not recited in deed descriptions. Failure to recite the easement does not mean the easement doesn't exist. Grants by property owners are not the only method by which utility companies acquire rights. In some cases, easement rights were taken by eminent domain. In some cases the utility was permitted to construct a ROW by virtue of a legislative act. In that case, it would have an easement. You should speak with an attorney in your area before you construct anything within the limits of the power line. An attorney who specializes in real estate law would be familiar with the local practices. If you build a garage within the power line ROW and later find the utility did have an easement it can and will demand the garage be removed.

What is building line in plat of survey?

The building line in a plat of survey refers to the legal boundary where a structure can be built on a property. It is typically set back from the property line to ensure there is ample space between the building and the street or neighboring properties. Adhering to the building line is important for compliance with local zoning regulations and to maintain uniformity in the appearance of buildings along streets or property boundaries.

How many feet should your attached garage be away from your neighbors home?

As long as it is within your property line, your neighbor can't do anything about it. If you want to build it over the line, you would have to check with your neighbor and possibly an attorney. I'd check with an attorney to see if there are any laws or somthing that might cause problems where you live.