The distance between Kelowna, BC and Osoyoos, BC is about 132 kilometers by road.
It is 3.287.71 miles according to MapQuest.
The drive from Kelowna, BC to Vancouver, BC is about 4.5 hours.
The distance from Golden, BC to Kelowna, BC is approximately 239 kilometers.
It is 312.88 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 312.88 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance from Corning, CA 96021, USA to Osoyoos, BC V0H, Canada is 782.5mi / 1259.4km
The driving distance from Trail, BC to Kelowna, BC is approximately 230 kilometers (143 miles).
it takes about 12 hours and 37 minutes to get there and it is 1,121 KM away.
== ==
About 250
About 290km