How far is Aruba from Charlotte North Carolina?
Oregon is 2,224 miles from South Carolina.
A distance of 1,692 miles [2,723 kilometers; 1,470 nautical miles separates Aruba from North Carolina. It takes about 3.5 hours to fly from North Carolina's capital city at Raleigh to Aruba's capital city at Oranjestad. They aren't in the same time zone. Raleigh is one hour behind Aruba.
12 miles west
South Carolina, and Georgia, on the far southwestern portion.
It is 116.45 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 114.12 miles according to MapQuest.
185 miles
There is approximately 30 miles between Lugoff, South Carolina and Columbia, South Carolina. Driving would take about 36 minutes when driving by car.
The island of Aruba lies north of Venezuela, which is in South America. With that being said the answer is no, it's north of South America. Aruba is governed by the Netherlands.
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