Williston, ND is about 1 500 miles (2 414 kilometres) away from Ottawa, ON, Canada.
It is 2,737 miles (4,408 kilometers) from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada to Oregon, USA.
There are about 2280.202 miles between Alberta, Canada and Ottowa, Canada.
The distance between Ottawa, Canada and Maine is about 405 miles in distance. This takes about 7 hours and 30 minutes in the car.
Canada's capital is the City of Ottawa and is located in eastern Canada. The city is officially in the province of Ontario however it borders the province of Quebec.
Ottawa, Ontario is the capital city of Canada.
Ottawa, OntarioThe capital of Canada is Ottawa.
The VIA train station in Ottawa, Canada is approximately 15 km/9.3 miles (20 mins) from the Ottawa International airport.
Ottawa. Located in province of Ontario.
Ottawa is the capital of Canada.Canada
13 hrs