Yes, Louisville is the largest city in Kentucky.
Louisville, Lexington,
Louisville and Lexington.
77.58 miles
Louisville and Lexington.
Louisville and Lexington.
Lexington and Louisville
About 230 miles if you go through Louisville, 250 if you go through Lexington.
Driving distance From Louisville, Kentucky to Cleveland, OH is 349 miles while Lexington, Kentucky to Cleveland is 339 miles, making Lexington closer. Lexington is also closer to Cleveland, Virginia and Cleveland, Tennessee than Louisville.
1. Louisville 2. Lexington 3. Owensboro 4. Bowling Green 5. Covington
Lexington, Kentucky is located in the Central part of Kentucky. It is 45 minutes south of Cincinnati via I-75, 1 hour east of Louisville via I-64 and 2 hours southwest of Ashland, Kentucky via I-64.
The two largest cities, by population, in the Commonwealth of Kentucky are Louisville and Lexington.