Blaine, Washington is 584.76 miles (941.08 kilometers) from the Oregon-California border, following Interstate Hwy number 5 (I-5).
Washington State's northern border with Canada is a straight line from Blaine WA to its eastern border with Idaho. That northern border line is the most northern point.
MLB player Blaine Hardy was born in Seattle, WA.
About 110 miles taking I-5 and I-405.
3128 miles
The address of the Drayton Harbor Maritime is: 1218 4Th St, Blaine, WA 98230-5004
The distance between Spokane, Washington, and the Canada border varies depending on the specific location at the border you are referencing. Spokane is approximately 100 miles south of the Canada border at the closest point, which is near the town of Metaline Falls, Washington. However, if you are referring to the most commonly used border crossing at the Peace Arch in Blaine, Washington, the distance from Spokane is about 250 miles.
120 miles (193 km) in total 110 miles (177 km) to Canada taking I-5 NORTH to the PEACE ARCH BORDER X-ING @ Blaine (WA) entering into Douglas, B.C. Canada. From the Peace Arch, it is about 15 km (10 miles) to Surrey taking B.C. HIGHWAY 99 - NORTH.
Yes, there is a Vancouver in Washington State,USA. It is approximately 6- 8hrs hrs drive from Blaine WA border.It is on the north side of the Columbus River across from Portland.Oregan.
It is about 35.19 miles to pulyaup WA from seattle WA
It is Point Roberts which is 49 degrees north latitude. Where as Blaine is 48.52 north Lat. This makes Point Roberts a half a degree farther north than Blaine.
This information is available from the Branch office of the country in question. See link below.