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Depends on the state. In Utah, I believe it's around six feet. Unless you're looking to make a painted parking spot, I wouldn't worry too much if you're sensible about it.

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5 feet RCW 46.61.570

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Q: How far can you park from a driveway?
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How far must you park away from a driveway?

You must park 5 feet away from a driveway.

How far do you have to park from a driveway in Hawaii?

4 Feet from either edge of driveway.

How far can you park from a driveway in Hawaii?

4 feet

How far do you have to park from a driveway in Louisiana?

You cannot block the driveway unless it is your driveway and no other tenants live there. In most states you must be at least 2 feet from the driveway edge.

Can you charge cars to park on your driveway?

If it's a public driveway then the property owner can charge. If it's a private driveway to a house then no you can't and shouldn't charge to park.

Can someone park across your driveway?

Yes it is not illegall for someone to park right across the street in front of your driveway

Can you park a semi tractor in your driveway?

That depends on your driveway, and your local laws.

Why do they call a driveway a driveway if you park on it?

Hello, Before you park the car I guess you drive on..."it" ... Driveway ;) parkit doesn't sound good parkway sound like a street or something.

Who owns driveway in mobile park?

Usually the owner of park.

You can also park in?

You can also park in a parking lot and drive in a driveway

Can you park a car without plates in your driveway revere ma?

Of course you can. Your driveway is private property.

Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

We drive on a parkway and park on a driveway because a parkway is defined a "a broad landscaped thoroughfare" and a driveway is defined as "a private road giving access from a public way to a building on abutting grounds."