Distance between Cairo, Egypt and Cape Town, South Africa, as the crow flies:
4467 miles (7189 km) (3882 nautical miles) .
Initial heading from Cairo to Cape Town:
south-southwest (191.8 degrees)
Initial heading from Cape Town to Cairo:
north-northeast (12.3 degrees)
So the direction and speed of plate motion is measured with the assumption that the Africa plate is stationary. Using this standard North and South America is moving west away from Africa.
Africa is closer to South America than it is to Australia.
Antarctica is the continent away from Canada. This is in North America.
The two closest continents to Hawaii are North America and Asia. North America is about 2,500 miles away, while Asia is around 3,850 miles away from Hawaii.
North america is pointed away from the sun so that makes it winter in the south because its the farthest away from the heat
North America is located in the Western Hemisphere. It is bordered by the Atlantic to the east and Pacific by the west. It is also bordered by the continent of South America to the south, and Asia is just miles away in the northwest.
During the Permian era was the unified Pangea. During the Triassic period, North America drifted west, Africa stayed in the same general area and the Poles (north and south) moved. In the Jurassic there was further spitting, with the Cretaceous period South America broke away from Africa and today the splits are even more distinct.
No. Australia is in the South Pacific ocean. Central America is thousands of miles away from Australia.
about 10,000 miles to the far south, (around there)
Because the southern tip of South America is not far away from the northern tip of Antarctica. Remember, in the Southern Hemisphere, it is gradually colder the further south you get, not north.
no North America is not far away from Europe