Air miles from Vallejo, California, to Paris, France, total 5,554 miles. That is 8,937 kilometers or 4,826 nautical miles.
how far is Paris from sunrise
Yes it is so that Paris is far from Louisiana
Paris is north-west of California. Approximately 5500 miles.
It is next to Paris
Paris (nearly 49° N latitude) is actually more northerly than Ottawa (45.4° N), which is one of the southernmost Canadian cities, along with Montreal and Toronto. Paris is about the same latitude as northern Newfoundland, and nearly as far north as Winnipeg. The Gulf Stream current is the major reason that Europe has a more temperate climate than Canadian regions at the same latitudes.
one hour ahead
4,830 miles.
Two hours ahead of GMT.
at least a block ahead
No, lions are one of the three fastest mammals, far ahead of the jaguar.
There are 302.344 miles between Paris and Venon.