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Dark colors absorb light, while light colors reflect light.

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9y ago

The white color of the fur matches with the white of the snow to provide camouflage to hide the animal from its predators.

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To chameflosh

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Q: How does the white coat of certain Arctic animals become an adaptation during winter?
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How did early land animals differ from those common today?

Early land animals were not as diverse as today's land animals. In time there has been adaptation of species where certain genetic traits and become predominant. Mutations have allowed for more variation over time.

Does adaptation only happen to animals?

you must be stupid. adapt is to become comfortable with something. anyone can adapt, animals, humans, anything. adapting to changes...etc

How do people decidewhich animals become endangered?

By how many of certain species there are.

The arctic hare has white fur in the winter This helps it survive because?

the white fur of the arctic hare acts as camouflage in the snowy environment, making it difficult for predators to spot them. This adaptation allows them to blend in with their surroundings and avoid being detected, increasing their chances of survival.

Is it possible to become aunt arctic in clubpenguin?

Yes you can become aunt arctic in clubpenguin. Just know that it is a hack and you can get banned.

What has animal adaptation allowed?

Animals would vanish and become extinct if it were not for adaptation. Adaptation means survival of a species. It doesnt happen over night but takes a long time to develop. It can mean a behavior that becomes instinct for survival of a species. Or it could be an actual change in the animals body such as his color or the shape of his beak or body hair.

How are sensitization and desensitization different?

Sensitization also called positive adaptation is the type of sensory adaptation in which we become more sensitive to stimuli that are low in magnitude. Desensitization also called negative adaptation is the type of sensory adaptation in which we become less sensitive to constant stimuli.

Would the cat miss me if I killed myself right now?

I do think animals become attached to certain people. Some animals certainly miss certain people. Maybe your cat and you are one of those pairs.

What else does deforestation effect besides people?

animals lose their homes, humans run out of burnable fuels, less carbon dioxide is sucked up by the trees causing global warming, pollution is released, and certain plains and animals might become endangered or even disappear. and the animals that live in the arctic are also endangered because global warming is causing the ice and snow they depend on to melt. its really sad :(

When did Arctic foxes become endangered?

Arctic foxes are not endangered. They are listed as "least concern."

What are the effects of the deforestration?

Animals lose their homes meaning they have to find a new home/ or they lose food because certain animals have lost their homes thus causing animals to become endangered or extinctions.

Do you think that the Arctic foxes will become extinct?

Currently, the Arctic fox is in no danger of going extinct as it is quite plentiful in most of its range. Some local populations are in danger, however. Overall, the Arctic fox is labeled as of "least concern" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.