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It can pull cold air down from Canada to the U.S and pull warm air up to Canada.

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Katie Katie

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Q: How does the polar jet stream affect temperature and precipitation?
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How does the polar jet-stream affect temperature and precipitation in north America?

I don't know thats why i asked this dumb website

How does polar jet streams affect temperature and precipitation in North America?

Polar jet streams can bring cold air from the Arctic region into North America, causing temperature drops. They also bring storm systems to the region, resulting in increased precipitation, particularly in areas under the jet stream's path. The interaction between the jet stream and other air masses can lead to weather patterns that influence temperature and precipitation across North America.

How does the polar jet stream affect temperatures and precipitation in North America?

I don't know thats why i asked this dumb website

What lies along the polar stream?

The Subpolar Low-Pressure Belt lies along the polar jet stream. It is found between 50 and 70 degrees North latitude. It consists of the Aleutian and Icelandic lows.

What is the six classifications determined by precipitation and temperature?

The six classifications determined by precipitation and temperature are tropical, dry, mild, continental, polar, and mountain. These classifications are defined based on the characteristics of the climate in a particular region, such as average temperature and amount of precipitation.

Which is stronger polar jet stream or subtropical jet stream?

The polar jet stream is generally stronger and faster-moving than the subtropical jet stream. The polar jet stream forms at higher latitudes and is located closer to the poles, while the subtropical jet stream is located at lower latitudes. The polar jet stream is associated with larger temperature contrasts and stronger pressure gradients, resulting in stronger winds compared to the subtropical jet stream.

Why is the polar front jet stream stronger in the winter than in the summer?

The temperature difference between the polar region and the mid-latitudes is greater in winter, leading to a stronger temperature gradient. This increased temperature gradient results in a stronger polar front jet stream during the winter months.

Explain how temperature and precipitation affect the distribution of global biomes?

Biomes in places like Antarctica or the north/south pole are being affected by temperature because icebergs are melting which the polar bears need and when polar bears die it affects the food chain which can destroy the human population.

How does the polar jet stream influence weather?

It changes precipitation patterns, causes strong storms, and transfers warm and cold air.

How might warmer temperature affect polar bears?


What is the definition of polar desert?

Polar deserts are areas with annual precipitation less than 250 millimeters and a mean temperature during the warmest month of less than 10°C.

What are the names of the climate zones?

The names of the climate zones are tropical, subtropical, temperate, and polar. These zones are based on factors like temperature, precipitation, and vegetation patterns.