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it gets shorter

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 7y ago

It decreases

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Avani Akula

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βˆ™ 3y ago

It decreases

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Will Schultz

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βˆ™ 3y ago
great answer thank youu!

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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How does the length of daylight in New York state change from summer?

At Massena, it goes from 15 hours, 37 minutes to 8 hours, 46 minutes.

NY state has several more hours of daylight in summer than winter why?

This difference in daylight hours between summer and winter in New York State is due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. During summer, the Northern Hemisphere, including New York State, is tilted toward the sun, resulting in longer daylight hours. In winter, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, leading to shorter daylight hours.

Why dont equatorial countries observe daylight saving time?

Being closer to the equator means a smaller difference in length of days between summer and winter. In places farther from the equator winter means shorter days. Daylight savings pushes the sunrise to a time where people must be up to work. In tropical climates the day doesn't get shorter, so noone needs to save its light!

Did Illinois use central daylight time in the summer of 1956?

Yes, Illinois used Central Daylight Time in the summer of 1956. The state follows this time zone from early March to early November each year.

Why does Washington state have longer daylight than southern California when they are in the same time zone?

Washington state is located at a higher latitude than southern California, which means that during summer months it experiences longer daylight hours due to the Earth's tilt. This tilt causes the sun to rise and set at different angles, impacting the length of daylight in different regions, regardless of their position within a time zone.

What community in Alaska has the longest daylight hours?

Barrow, Alaska experiences the longest daylight hours in the state due to its location above the Arctic Circle. During the summer months, the sun does not set for several weeks, leading to continuous daylight.

What state does not change daylight saving time?

Arizona does not observe daylight saving time. The state remains on Mountain Standard Time (MST) all year round.

What is Alaska length of day and night?

It depends on where you live in the state. The farther North you live, the longer the daylight is in Summer, and the shorter it is in the Winter. In th June/July months, most of the state never sees the night sky (even if you're far enough south for it to get dark, you'd have to stay up past midnight to see it). And in the Winter, Anchorage has about 6 hours of daylight (from 10AM to 4PM) in the month of December.

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How is Queensland different from other states like New South Wales?

One difference is that Queensland is the only eastern state that does not observe daylight saving time in summer.

Is Arizona pacific time or mountain standard time?

The majority of Arizona does not observe Daylight Savings Time and so they would remain on Mountain Standard Time year around. However, there are some areas of Northeastern Arizona that do change to Daylight Savings Time and that would make them one hour ahead of the rest of Arizona for that summer season until they change back in the fall and they are then together with the rest of the state again, back on Mountain Standard Time.

When did Iowa start Daylight Saving Time?

Before 2006, Southeastern Indiana (Nashville, IN and it’s surroundings) observed Daylight Saving Time in the Central Time Zone; however, the majority of the state did not observe the change in time, spending summer months in Central Time & winter months in Eastern Time. In 2005, the state legislature voted to begin observing DST & April 2006 was the first time the state as a whole sprung forward. The majority of the state is now on Eastern Time all year long, while SE Indiana remains in Central Time.